Fright Night is October 23 at the Prama Artspace and Gallery.
Just when you thought 2020 couldn’t get even scarier, the Prama Artspace and Gallery are hosting a hauntingly intriguing photography exposition just ahead of Halloween entitled Images Of Haunted Ohio, featuring live opening performances. [Featured image via Shutterstock]
You know what they say: a picture is worth a thousand words. So what kind of paranormal stories to the Images Of Haunted Ohio speak of the Buckeye State? Furthermore, how long is Ohio’s anthology of supernatural phenomenon. How deep is it’s spooky history? Find out for yourself at the Prama Artspace and Gallery’s one-night exposition on October 23.
“That time is falling upon us when the veil between the two worlds becomes more transparent,” Prama wrote on the exhibition’s Facebook page. “In some places that veil is even less substantial. Ohio has many of those places. This show is a peek at those places.”
Images Of Haunted Ohio is a photography expo showcasing the pervading presence of the supernatural throughout the state of Ohio. Landmarks, including, but not limited to, the House of Wills, The Ohio State Reformatory, and the Franklin Castle, will be on display in the photographs from Markus Abdelmesih, Laura D’Alessandro, Jennifer Gleason, June Hund, Sean Mabin, Shawn Slowburn, and Jim Szudy.
“Supposedly, Ohio has more haunted sites than any other state,” Owner, curator, and contributing artist, Sean Mabin, told the Cleveland Scene. “Many of which are quite well known in paranormal circles, like Franklin Castle. I heard Ohio has over 1,000 haunted sites. These are a few of those…Myself, I became interested in this subject as a child. My father used to tell me stories about Franklin Castle. I enjoyed reading about the paranormal. In Catholic school I found the only book in our school library on the subject and kept in in my possession for most of my time in grade school.”
Images of Haunted Ohio debuts at the Prama Artspace and Gallery on Friday, October 23. The exhibition runs from 5 pm – 9 pm CDT. There will be performances from Fellahean and Slowburn in coordination with the event’s opening.
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